About Us
The Bridge is a nonprofit organization serving Alabama’s adolescents and their families. Our substance use treatment services are certified by and funded through the Alabama Department of Mental Health. Our diversion services are operated in partnership with counties throughout the state and are funded by the Alabama Department of Youth Services through grants to the counties.
While The Bridge is not a mental health center, we support and often partner with Alabama’s community mental health centers. The Bridge is an active member of the Alabama Council for Behavioral Healthcare.
The Bridge has a caring staff of trained professionals who are skilled at engaging adolescents and their families in evidence-based treatment that leads to positive, lasting change.
We are motivated to help adolescents with substance use or behavioral issues because:
- Substance use in adolescence adversely affects brain development.
- Substance use during early years dramatically increases the risk of a substance use disorder in adulthood.
- Other risky and dangerous behaviors occur more frequently when adolescents are using substances.
- Two in three adults treated for an opioid use disorder first used opioids when they were younger than age 25.
- 90% of all addictions start in the teenage years.
- Adolescents deserve an atmosphere of unconditional caring where they can learn social and emotional skills to form stable, healthy relationships.
- Effective treatment for adolescents includes participation by families, schools, and communities.

Contact Us
For more information or to schedule an appointment for screening and assessment, contact us at: